Monday, May 2, 2011

Semester Favorites

I had a lot of favorite resources I learned this semester in Educational Technology.

- Animoto
Animoto is a great website, and it is one of my favorite websites I learned about this semester. It is very versatile. You can use it for fun, and for educational purposes. You don't put a lot of text on it, but it is a very visual resource. I think students can use this to show their knowledge of a topic, but teachers can also use it to give a fun introduction to a new topic to the class. 

- Glogster
I really like Glogster, because it is a 21st century way to have students make posters. It looks like a poster, it is simple to make, and you can put just about any type of medium on it: pictures, text, links, and videos. I think students can easily use this as a quick assignment or end of a unit project to show their knowledge of a topic. 

- Wordle
I think Wordle is a lot of fun, and visually appealing. I'm going to be an English/Journalism teacher, so Wordle is perfect in a classroom. You can easily use it for  vocabulary words. As a teacher, I could make a World of all of the vocabulary words and students would know what to study for a test. It is just an easy and pretty way for students to know what they need to learn.

- Toondoo
Toondoo is a great website, and I think it would be perfect in a middle school classroom. It is interactive and easy to use. You can make your own comic at this website, and choose from a lot of options for people and backgrounds. You insert your own text into the comic. I think that this would be a great tool for students who want alternative versions to assignments. A student who has problems focusing on writing  a longer paragraph could use this tool to get their point across in a shorter form. It is just a good alternative for students to use to display their knowledge.

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