Monday, March 28, 2011

Podcast Reflection #10: Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education.

This week I watched Salman Khan's video on Khan Academy. You can find it here.

I really like the idea of Salman Khan's videos. Students can watch these video lectures at home, and do more interactive classwork. Teachers say that they are now having students watch these lectures at home, and what used to be homework is now classwork. Students get to work more with teachers now. Students get a self-paced lecture.

The only thing I don't really like about these lectures is that you can't really make them your own. As a teacher, I would like to put my own personalized touch on lessons. You don't really control the lectures or content with these videos, although you do get more class time working with students. The issue may be that students could not watch these lectures at home. So in order for this to work, students may need to take notes on the lectures to turn in for credit so that you know the students are keeping up with the lectures.

These lectures sound like they are really helping students, so I like the idea of using them and getting more time to interact with students in the classroom. It might make subjects much easier to understand, especially math. I probably could have used these lectures when I took math in high school.

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